Workers with Her Majesty’s Penitentiary (HMP), who are members of the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE), held a demonstration today to show support for their counterparts in Alberta who were in a job action in response to health and safety concerns over the past five days.

Workers at the Edmonton Remand Centre, the largest correctional facility of its kind in the country, walked out of work and refused to report for duty this past Friday after two members were suspended indefinitely for voicing health and safety concerns. Since that original action, these workers were joined in walk outs by Sheriffs, social workers, court clerks, and probation officers in a powerful show of solidarity against unfair and unsafe working conditions.

The Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE), the union representing these workers, announced yesterday that they have reached a deal to end the job action. Despite this development, the correctional officers at HMP went with their planned demo to show their support and raise awareness about the health and safety issues at correctional facilities.


Workers had a simple but powerful message

NAPE President Carol Furlong conducts a media interview at the demo

Local 7701 President Mike Stevenson speaks to the media