For immediate Release:

Friday, May 10, 2013

Layoff Numbers for CNA Shows Devastating Province-wide Impact 

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE) says layoff numbers due to budget cuts and the privatization of Adult Basic Education (ABE) at the College of the North Atlantic (CNA) are starting to become more clear. As of Tuesday of this week, 111faculty and support staff have been laid off at the CNA across the province since the budget came down on March 26.

In addition to the proposed privatization of ABE, over 25 programs were cut as a result of the recent provincial budget. While the impact has been felt right across the province, some campuses and communities were hit particularly hard by cuts. For example, 21 instructors have been laid off at the Happy Valley-Goose Bay campus. Until yesterday, that campus had 42 instructors. 11 instructors have been laid off at the Burin campus, a large portion of their faculty contingent. Another 13 were laid off in Corner Brook. Unfortunately, the list goes on and on with cuts being felt right across the province.

“The negative social and economic impact of these cuts will be felt province-wide, not only in the short term, but into the foreseeable future,” said NAPE President Carol Furlong. “Not only are we concerned about the individuals being laid off; we are concerned about the impact on communities, on students, on our public post-secondary education system, and the province as a whole.”

“Government also announced a ‘comprehensive’ government review for CNA in 2014 and we are fearful, after what we have seen to-date, that the worst is yet to come,” stated Furlong.

On April 25, NAPE forwarded a letter to Premier Kathy Dunderdale on behalf of concerned faculty at the College of the North Atlantic (CNA). The letter, authored by concerned CNA Faculty members from across the province, outlined the group’s concerns regarding the cuts to CNA as well as the proposed privatization of the Adult Basic Education Program (ABE). To-date, despite public comments made by the Premier that a formal response to the letter was forthcoming, no official response has been received by NAPE.

“NAPE is continuing its call for government to review all cuts, including the drastic cuts at CNA,” stated Furlong. “It is our opinion that any proper review would lead to only one conclusion – a reversal of these ill-advised and damaging cuts.”

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