Dear brother/sister,

NAPE is setting up a YOUTH COMMITTEE.

We are seeking individuals to participate on this committee who are interested in taking an active role in the union through engagement on a committee of peers from a multitude of disciplines and regions of the province. These youth will serve as a resource for the NAPE Executive to ensure the concerns and interests of youth are properly represented in the Union and the workplace.

We are looking for NAPE members under the age of 34 who are enthusiastic about shaping the direction of the union in the coming years.

NAPE members between the age of 18 – 34 interested in serving on the Youth Committee shall submit the following information:

  • Name;
  • Local;
  • Classification;
  • Brief Bio (maximum 150 words);
  • Reason for interest in the Youth Committee (maximum 250 words)

The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 18 (close of business day).

Submissions must be made via email with the SUBJECT LINE: YOUTH COMMITTEE to

Only those members who are selected will be contacted.