Membership Card


Your membership card allows you to vote in NAPE elections and to vote on your collective agreement. You will also need a membership card to access NAPE’s discount program.
When NAPE has your up-to-date information, it allows us to ensure you receive the information you need on important issues like collective bargaining.
Please complete the form below to apply for your membership card or, if you already have a membership card, update your information. Please ensure the information you provide is accurate and complete to the best of your ability.  If you have questions, please contact Courtney or Mandy in Membership at or by phone at 1-800-563-4442.

Personal Information

If you do not have a middle name, please put X and the name will be removed in our system.
Date of Birth(Required)
Are you updating your contact information?*(Required)
Have you completed a member registration card before (online or paper version)?*(Required)
Do you require a replacement NAPE membership card?(Required)
Are you trying to change/update your last/family/married name?*(Required)
If yes, please provide your current/former full name (so we can find it in our system and adjust accordingly)
Please enter a number from 1000 to 9999.

Contact Information

Your Home Mailing Address*(Required)

Employer Information

Your work site (building/facility and address)(Required)
When did you start with this employer?(Required)
Your current Job Status*(Required)
Consent and Confirmation*(Required)
"The information provided on this form is accurate and I hereby accept membership in the Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (hereafter: NAPE) and hereby authorize NAPE, its agents or representatives to represent me as the exclusive bargaining agent with my employer. I agree to abide by the By-laws and Constitution of NAPE, and I hereby authorize the Employer to release my employment-related information to NAPE."