Labour School

2025 Labour School

NAPE’s Labour School is primarily organized by the Education Committee with the ultimate goal being to provide NAPE activists with the tools they need to effectively represent their fellow union members in the workplace.

Applications are open to all members in good standing and selection is made on a province-wide basis with consideration being given to equal regional and gender representation.


NAPE will be holding its Labour School from April 30th -May 4th, (Wednesday to Sunday) inclusive, at The Wilds Resort, Salmonier Line.

Participant selection is made on a province-wide basis with consideration given to equal regional and gender representation.

The deadline for applications is: March 18, 2025

Registration will take place on Wednesday, April 30, 2025, from 3:00PM -5:00 p.m. in the main lobby of the Resort. Please make every attempt to register as early as possible in order to accommodate the evening meal and classroom orientation.

Accommodations will be provided to all students.

NAPE will arrange time-off / wage loss for those who attend Labour School.

The following courses are tentatively scheduled for the 2025 Labour School. Actual courses offered will depend on applicants’ choice of courses.

    Labour School Courses

    Collective Bargaining

    In this three day course you will learn from experienced negotiators and various guest speakers about the stratigies, tactics, and knowledge needed to help you optimize the outcome of contract negotiations.

    If you have an interest in Collective Bargaining, elected to a negotiating team or considering becoming a negotiating team member, this course may be for you!

    Organizing Worker Power: Mobilizing Members

    This course will provide an overview of the structure of NAPE as well as how our Locals and our Union fit within the provincial and national labour movement organizations. As well, participants will learn the three-step approach to effective member engagement (Go, Listen, Build). Each participant will leave with a worksite specific plan for creating an engaged and active membership.

    Facing Management Effectively

    This course will look at economic, political, social forces at play between union and management. It will examine the roles and rights of each group and the different types of union/management relationships and styles. We will look at the power, bias, and privilege dynamics between union and management and how we can communicate effectively. We will focus on problem-solving – understanding issues, developing strategies, finding and presenting facts and arguments, finding areas of agreement, building solutions, implementing and maintaining solutions. Participants can expect lots of participation, interaction, and role-plays along with practical skills and tools for communication, analysis, strategy and critical thinking.

    Mental Health in the Workplace

    This introductory course will help raise awareness for participants about mental health issues facing workers in today’s workplace. Activists will develop a range of strategies to specifically support, accommodate, and represent members with mental health challenges at work.  We will look at the myths around mental illness, challenging stigma, and what role the Union can play in making our workplaces and Unions more inclusive for members. We will develop action plans to take on systemic factors affecting mental health through advocacy, bargaining, and political action.