
Dear Group of 22 Home Care member,

Welcome to the vote info page for the 2024 Group of 22 Home Care Ratification Vote.

The following is/will be posted on this page:

  • Your tentative agreement package
  • an explanatory video
  • answers to frequently asked questions
  • important helpline contact numbers
  • and any/all important updates (including results after the vote closes)

vote Results

Dear Home Care Group of 22 Member, 

Thank you for your patience, support, and solidarity over the course of the past few months as your team worked to reach a tentative agreement. With 22 agencies and a large number of issues to tackle at the table and priorities to balance – this was a very difficult round of bargaining. Your teams worked extremely hard to reach the deal that they did – only getting the deal in the eleventh hour after initially walking away from the table.

Ratification votes are now complete. The results are as follows:


AGENCY # Yes Votes # No Votes Yes % No %
A Better Living Home Care Ltd. 11 29 27.5% 72.5%
All Care Home Support Ltd. 18 13 58.1% 41.9%
Angel’s Touch Home Care Ltd. 22 32 40.7% 59.3%
Best of Care Ltd. 13 16 44.8% 55.2%
Bettercare Home Care 10 12 45.5% 54.5%
Caring Hands Inc. 33 10 76.7% 23.3%
Comfort Homecare Inc. 105 173 37.8% 62.2%
Compassion HomeCare Inc. 142 153 48.1% 51.9%
Exploits Homecare Agency 22 30 42.3% 57.7%
Helping Hands Homecare Services Ltd. 18 39 31.6% 68.4%
Home Sweet Home 10 6 62.5% 37.5%
Horwood’s Home & Community Support Services Inc. 106 50 67.9% 32.1%
In Home Health Care Services Ltd. 6 5 54.5% 45.5%
Maximum Home Support Service Inc. 48 53 47.5% 52.5%
Notre Dame Compassionate Care Inc. 39 36 52.0% 48.0%
Provincial Home Care – Eastern 75 119 38.7% 61.3%
Provincial Home Care – Central 63 50 55.8% 44.2%
Quality Home Care Services Inc. 26 9 74.3% 25.7%
Rosemore Homecare Services 41 17 70.7% 29.3%
Serenity Nursing and Home Support Services 18 14 56.3% 43.8%
South Coast Home Care 3 18 14.3% 85.7%
Total Care Nursing in the Home Services Ltd. 25 99 20.2% 79.8%


854 – 46.5% Accept
983 – 53.5% Reject

While our teams worked incredibly hard to reach a deal that included gains in a number of areas, it is clear that a majority of home care members were not prepared to accept the deal presented to them. People are struggling to pay bills and keep up with the rising cost of living and there is a general, overall frustration with the way in which home care workers are an afterthought in our province’s healthcare system – these were issues that came up over and over again in our discussions with members over the past few weeks during this ratification vote process.

At this stage, we cannot surmise what will happen next until we meet with the team members, the Conciliation Officer, and then the respective employers. This is an extremely complex scenario with a lot of moving parts, and we will need some time to consult, have discussions, seek legal opinions, and map out a path forward. We understand that you will have a lot of questions, but we need to make sure that we are approaching this in a strategic and coordinated way. We will provide updates as this process unfolds. 

The union movement is built upon a democratic framework where every member has a vote and a say in their working conditions and the collective bargaining process. This is democracy in action. The leadership of this union will always support the decisions made by the membership.

We want to thank every single member who engaged in this process, asked the tough questions, reviewed the materials carefully, spoke to others, and cast their vote.

Please stay tuned for updates.


If you require TECHNICAL SUPPORT with electronic/phone voting, please contact the Voter HelpLine at 1-888-281-8683

If you have questions about the TENTATIVE AGREEMENT, please contact NAPE at 1-833-414-1097

Hours of operation:

Monday, June 10 to Wednesday, June 12, 9am – 5pm NT, daily
Thursday, June 13 – 9am to 2pm NT


The tentative agreement can be found by clicking on the button below.


Is there a wage increase?

Yes. The wage increase is as follows and is retro to April 1, 2024. This represents nearly a 19% wage increase.

Apr 1, 2024
Apr 1, 2025
Apr 1, 2026
Apr 1, 2027
Home Support
Supervised Access

Who does this cover?

This covers home care workers for the following agencies: 

 A Better Living Home Care Ltd.

  • All Care Home Support Ltd.
  • Angel’s Touch Home Care Ltd.
  • Best of Care Ltd.
  • Bettercare Home Care
  • Caring Hands Inc.
  • Comfort Homecare Inc.
  • Compassion HomeCare Inc.
  • Exploits Homecare Agency
  • Helping Hands Homecare Services Ltd.
  • Home Sweet Home
  • Horwood’s Home & Community Support Services Inc.
  • In Home Health Care Services Ltd.
  • Maximum Home Support Service Inc.
  • Notre Dame Compassionate Care Inc.
  • Provincial Home Care
  • Provincial Home Care Central
  • Quality Home Care Services Inc.
  • Rosemore Homecare Services
  • Serenity Nursing and Home Support Services
  • South Coast Home Care
  • Total Care Nursing in the Home Services Ltd.

Does this agreement include a health plan?

Yes – starting in 2025.

NAPE and the employers will create a Trust to establish and manage a group health insurance plan. The full language can be found in the tentative agreement package and on the vote info page.

As there is significant work to be done to set up and operate the group benefits plan – The plan will be in place and start one year from the date of signing of the collective agreement.

Coverage under The Plan shall be provided to Employees who work 25 hrs or more per week. It will be mandatory unless proof of existing coverage can be provided.

The plan will be cost shared 50% form the employer and 50% from the eligible members.

The Trust will also manage a dental insurance plan that will be optional and 100% funded by the eligible employees.

Is there travel reimbursement?

Starting in October 2024, travel reimbursement shall be in place for home care workers.

The allowance is based on the number of shifts per 6-month period and shall be calculated and paid automatically by the Employer. Covering periods shall be April-September and October-March, and the travel reimbursement allowance shall be paid to employees by November 1st and May 1st.

The reimbursement rates are as follows:


Shifts/6 Months
50 – 124
125 – 187
188 – 250

Are there changes to sick leave?

Yes. Until now, home care workers did not have the ability to accumulate/bank unused sick leave.

Your team successfully negotiated a sick leave bank of up to 400 hours. This is a major gain.

Not only that, the barrier for new workers to begin receiving sick leave has been reduced for new hires from 1000 to 500 hours.

Will there be different classifications in home care?

One of the issues that was discussed at length at the home care convention, during the meetings of your bargaining teams, and at the bargaining table was the need for different classifications in home care to more accurately reflect the range of services and level of care in today’s home care system.

Your team successfully negotiated the creation of a Classification Working Group to review, analyze, create, and implement a new job classification system for home care workers.

Classifications will be developed and appropriate compensation will be in place and paid on April 1, 2026.  This proposal shall be presented to the provincial Government by April 1, 2025.

What percentage of votes are needed to accept the agreement?

50% + 1 of all votes cast is the threshold to accept this tentative agreement (per agency). 
Non-votes are not counted in any way. Only those votes cast are counted towards the final result.  
Members who work for multiple agencies will be able to cast a vote for each agency for which they work.

Is our bargaining team recommending acceptance of this deal?

NAPE’s Group of 22 negotiating team consists of staff negotiators and front line home care workers just like you. Your negotiating team believes they have reached the best agreement possible with many substantial improvements. So, they are recommending that members vote to accept the agreement.

What if I still have questions about the agreement?

If you have questions about the TENTATIVE AGREEMENT, please contact NAPE at 1-833-414-1097

Hours of operation:

Monday, June 10 to Wednesday, June 12, 9am – 5pm NT, daily
Thursday, June 13 – 9am to 2pm NT

I am having an issue voting / I didn’t receive my vote info?

If you require TECHNICAL SUPPORT with electronic/phone voting, please contact the Voter HelpLine at 1-888-281-8683

Monday, June 10 to Wednesday, June 12, 9am – 5pm NT, daily
Thursday, June 13 – 9am to 2pm NT

What is going on with TLC and Caregivers?

We are still at the bargaining table with these agencies (this vote does not cover these two agencies) and hope to have an update 
on both soon. 


We are currently working to finalize this list and confirm locations/times. Please check back here for updates.

Any changes/updates to this list (and anything to do with the ratification vote process) will be posted to this page.

It is easier and more efficient to have one site for all information/documents/updates.

Agency Community Location Date Time
Group 22 Baie Verte Baie Vista Inn Tuesday, June 4 19:30
Group 22 Bonavista Cabot Stadium (Dean Little Room) Tuesday, June 4 19:30
Group 22 Carbonear Sheila NaGeira Theatre Thursday, May 30 19:30
Group 22 Clarenville Clarenville Inn Wednesday, June 5 19:30
Group 22 Corner Brook Greenwood Inn Friday, May 31 19:30
Group 22 Deer Lake Holiday Inn Express Thursday, May 30 19:30
Group 22 Ferryland Southern Shore Arts Centre Friday, May 31 20:00
Group 22 Fogo Visitors Information Centre – Stag Harbour Thursday, June 6 19:30
Group 22 Gander Quality Hotel Sunday, June 2 19:30
Group 22 Grand Falls Mount Peyton Monday, May 27 19:30
Group 22 Harbour Breton Southern Port Tuesday May 28 20:00
Group 22 Hawkes Bay Torrent River Inn Sunday, June 2 19:30
Group 22 Lewisporte BRITTANY INNS Friday, June 7 19:30
Group 22 Marystown MARYSTOWN LIONS CLUB Saturday, June 1 19:30
Group 22 Parsons Pond Shallow Bay Motel and Cabins Saturday, June 1 19:30
Group 22 Placentia Cultural Arts Centre Wednesday, May 29 19:30
Group 22 Port Aux Basque St. Christopher’s Hotel Tuesday, May 28 19:30
Group 22 Springdale Springdale Stadium/Manuel Hall Wednesday, June 5 19:30
Group 22 St. Albans Vancor Motel Tuesday May 28 17:00
Group 22 St. Anthony Hotel North Monday, June 3 19:00
Group 22 St. John’s Holiday Inn (Portugal Cove Rd) Thursday, June 6 19:30
Group 22 St. Mary’s Gaskiers- Point La Haye Town Hall Sunday, June 9 14:00
Group 22 Stephenville Days Inn Wednesday, May 29 19:30
Group 22 Trepassey Trepassey Social Centre Friday, May 31 17:30
Group 22 Twillingate J.M. Olds Collegiate Monday, June 3 19:30
Group 22 Whitbourne Saint John the Baptist Anglican Church Saturday, June 8 19:30