Step Up Awards

Step Up Nomination Package (2025)

Throughout Newfoundland and Labrador, NAPE members are stepping up as volunteers to make a difference. Some are union activists, while others give their time and energy to community groups. The NAPE Step Up Awards were created to recognize these members. These awards provide an opportunity for our union to recognize and applaud the efforts of NAPE members who give so freely of themselves to improve the lives of those around them.

Each year a maximum of 5 awards are presented – one in each of the following five geographic regions:

  • St. John’s Metro (NAPE Regions 6 & 7) ease
  • Eastern (NAPE Region 5 and 9)
  • Central (NAPE Regions 3 and 4)
  • Western (NAPE Regions 1 and 8)
  • Labrador (NAPE Region 2)

To be eligible, an individual:

  • must be a member of NAPE
  • must have made an outstanding voluntary contribution without reward or gain for the betterment of NAPE and / or the community

Winners are nominated by their fellow members, and the nomination process typically opens in February.

Winners are selected by NAPE’s Step Up Awards Committee subject to the approval of the Board of Directors / Executive Committee.

Winners’ names are displayed on a plaque at NAPE’s head office. They also receive a plaque and a distinctive lapel pin. NAPE makes a $1000 donation on behalf of each recipient to the organizations / charities of each winners’ choice

Awards are presented to recipients at a Step Up Award ceremony in St. John’s.

Previous Award Winners

Thomas Cooper 4402
Beverly Flynn 2853
Joseph Lee 1852
Tony Green 6208
Marnie Daigle 2103
David Johnston 1854
Lisa Somerton 7104
Barbara Vokey 9850
Trina Reynolds 2102
Keith Kean 1804
David Dillon 4102
Gelnys Beasley 5205
Lisa Williams 7104
John ‘Craig’ Porter 2103
Finton Gaudette 1404
Watde Thompson 3301
Victor Lundrigan 9102
Jerry Dunphy 7104
Jamie Brake Western
Shirley Murphy Labrador
Gail Hoskins Central
Adrian Power Eastern
Stephen McAllister Metro
Bradford White Western
Debbie Brenton Labrador
Dwayne King Central
Elizabeth Roach Eastern
Philip Tomkins Metro
Ted White Western
Denise Delaney Labrador
Trina Mercer Central
Shirley Coady Eastern
Jamie Meadus Metro
Christopher Humby Western
Lorellie Blackmore Labrador
Lynette McDonald Central
Bernadine Farewell Eastern
Geoffrey Kearley Metro
Bernice White Western
Brenda Congrain Labrador
Dave Oxford Central
Jennifer Richardship Eastern
Elizabeth Kearley Metro
Vicki Hancock Labrador
Bernie Bromley Western
David Jewer Central
Arlene Melodie Holloway Eastern
Terri Lynn Fleming Metro