Labour Day 2024

“Building a union is done brick by brick, year after year, and it is not possible without the strength of over 28,000 members who are relentless in their pursuit of fairness, equality, and justice for workers in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Labour Day is one of most significant times in the labour movement as we reflect on how far we have come, and how far we must go for workers in Newfoundland and Labrador.  We know that the challenges are great, but our membership has proven time and time again to be far greater.

Over the past year we have bargained 46 new contracts in sectors across the province. Your negotiating teams worked tirelessly to ensure you received the best possible deal from your employer which included better wages and better working conditions. In addition, the shop stewards and local leadership were crucial in filing 956 grievances for unfair working conditions, non-adherence to the collective agreement, lost time, and more. Since September 1, 2023, there were 11 files that were settled/heard in arbitration that resulted in a total payout of $1,053,680.54 to members.

This past year our membership has proven that with the support of the union we can share the weight of some of life’s heaviest burdens. In that respect, we are proud of our partnership with the Daffodil Place, where NAPE members and caregivers now have the full cost of their stay covered by the union, in the last year this has meant over $28,000 to our members and their families. For members who may be experiencing unexpected medical or environmental hardships, this past year the union has provided $46, 500 of direct support. In addition, our pledge to support our communities in this province has been clear with donations to the Kid’s Eat Smart program, Sisters in Spirit Vigil, Association of New Canadians, Royal Canadian Legion, and more totaling over $136, 000.

There are successes that can take years, even decades to accomplish. In the case of paramedics in this province the latter was true. It has been a struggle for over 25 years to get paramedics/ambulance services in the public sector where they rightly belong. We finally saw the culmination of hard work, patience, unwavering determination, in achieving that monumental vision this past year. In home care the fight for recognition continues as we push to get this vital service integrated under NL Health Services.   

We know that there is no success without strife. Our members and our union face the ongoing threats of privatization with the government’s reliance on P3 model for infrastructure projects. Despite the many dangers associated with P3s, including the lack of transparency, the long-term and secret contracts, a slower and more complex planning process, and the risks of ‘buy now, pay later’ these projects continue. We must stand firm against the push to privatize our public services at every turn.   

With elections looming at the provincial and federal level we must be unequivocal against austerity, cuts to public services, and any attack on the rights and benefits of workers.

Provincially, you must ensure that any candidate who seeks your support is also committed to robust public services, increased OHS protections, the end of scab labour, a dedicated plan for mental health across the province, fair wages, recognition, retention and recruitment initiatives in healthcare, and better working conditions for all workers.

At the Federal level, do not let fear divide you. There is no doubt the challenges are significant with years of increases to the cost of living, crumbling healthcare systems, a childcare crisis and a housing crisis, all in the shadow of a pandemic. It is only through a strong public sector with dedicated federal funding to our social safety net that we can combat these realities. The privatization of public services puts us all at risk.

This Labour Day as we reflect on our victories as the largest union in this province, we recognize all those who have come before us. Building a union is done brick by brick, year after year, and it is not possible without the strength of over 28,000 members who are relentless in their pursuit of fairness, equality, and justice for workers in Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Have a safe and happy Labour Day.


Jerry Earle

Trevor King