Christian Children’s Fund of Canada

In 2011, NAPE resolved to sponsor two children via the fund.

Yodit Kebede Wota – “Yodit”

  • 8 Years old
  • Lives in Ethiopia
  • Grade 2
  • Favourite subject is English
  • Loves playing and skipping
  • Runs errands for her family at home

Jose Dibon

  • 11 Years old
  • Lives in Nicaragua
  • Grade 4
  • Favourite subject is Math
  • Loves basketball and soccer
  • Enjoys Rock music

For just $1.25 a day, NAPE is able to help provide:

  • School fees
  • School supplies
  • After school activities
  • Proper nutrition
  • Regular medical check-ups and treatments
  • Health education
  • And more

More information about the Christian Children’s Fund of Canada can be found at:

Jose and Yodit write NAPE regularly with updates.

Jose Dibon recently sent the letter and drawing below as an update on the impact that the NAPE sponsorship has had on his life.