TO: Local Presidents and Secretaries – Component 2 (HSS, Group Homes, Home Care)

FROM: C. Furlong, President
RE: Component Board Member
DATE: January 6, 2014
The election of James Lacey as the Eastern Vice President at the Biennial Convention has created a vacancy on NAPE’s Board of Directors for a Component Board Member for Hospital Support Staff. Therefore, according to policy, the Board will make the selection for the incoming member.

We are inviting you to submit names from your Local, or your Component, of members who are interested in representing your Component as the Board Member. This Component includes Group Homes, Home Care and Hospital Support Staff. As per policy, the Board of Directors will hold an election and make the final selection. The next Board meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 21 and 22, 2014.

Please have any nominations submitted by February 14, 2014 by e-mail to

Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions in this regard.