Workers with Her Majesty’s Penitentiary (HMP), who are members of NAPE, held a demonstration today (February 17, 2014) to voice their concerns about conditions, health and safety issues, and lack of adequate equipment in their workplace.

According to NAPE President Carol Furlong, “a recent event at Her Majesty’s Penitentiary might have been a life threatening situation if not for the instinctive and quick reaction of experienced correctional officers, who should be commended for their handling of an extremely volatile situation, with few resources.”

Correctional officers used today’s demonstration to bring their concerns for the health, safety, and protection of themselves, inmates, visitors, and volunteers to the public’s attention.

NAPE President Carol Furlong addresses the crowd while local President Mike Stevenson looks on.

NAPE Board of Director member Paul Taylor speaks to the media at the demo.