For Immediate Release:

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

NAPE Awards 22 Scholarships Totaling $11,000 to Students Across the Province

St. John’s, NL – The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE) has awarded 22 scholarships totaling $11,000 to students pursuing a post-secondary education. NAPE annually awards scholarships to children and dependents of NAPE members pursuing a post-secondary education. Each scholarship is valued at $500.

“The cost of education can be a barrier for many young people. These scholarships can help ease that burden,” said NAPE President Jerry Earle. “We are delighted to offer these scholarships each year to recognize the outstanding talent of the youth of our province and our union. I congratulate each of the scholarship recipients for their academic efforts and wish them the very best with their studies.”

Recipients of this year’s scholarships are:

Emmanuel Strickland Scholarship: Brett Wells-Keough (Corner Brook)

Max Dyke Scholarship: Janice Young (Corner Brook)

Judge Wm. Browne Scholarship: Chelsea Newman (Milltown)

NAPE Regional and At-Large Scholarships:

Region 1           Andrew Hayes               Port aux Basques

Region 2           Jessica Hann                Labrador City

Region 3           Kianna Hale                   Grand Falls-Windsor

Region 4           Kyla Stratton                 Lumsden

Region 5           Michaela Drover            Carbonear

Region 6           Alison Kennedy             St. John’s

Region 7           Nolan Corbett                St. John’s

Region 8           Cheyenne Whiteway       St. Anthony

Region 9           Joanne Hart                  Clarenville


Zachary Fitzpatrick        St. John’s

Ryan Abbott                 Clarenville

James Lander               Springdale

Michelle King                St. John’s

Brandon West               St. John’s

Heather O’Leary St. John’s

Jillian Lahey                  St. John’s

Hope Cahill                   St. John’s

Kaila LeDrew                 Carbonear

Courtney Caravan          Bay Roberts

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For further information please contact:

Keith Dunne, NAPE Campaigns and Communications Coordinator

(phone) 709.570.2501                (cell) 709.631.9737                     (e-mail)