NAPE has been certified by the Labour Relations Board as the bargaining agent for 68 employees of All Care Home Support Ltd, which provides home care services in Trinity Bay and is headquartered in New Harbour.

“NAPE is the only union in the province that represents workers in the home care industry. This is the twenty-first agency where employees have voted to join NAPE, and this brings the total number of home care workers represented by NAPE to approximately three thousand,” stated NAPE President Carol Furlong.

According to Furlong, “NAPE continues to organize home care agencies, while at the same time we strive to negotiate better wages and benefits for their employees. We are pleased to have been selected by the employees for All Care Home Support as their union. NAPE has notified the employer that we wish to commence collective bargaining immediately, with the aim of reaching a first collective agreement in the very near future.”

NAPE represents the majority of home care workers in Newfoundland and Labrador and is aggressively continuing its attempts to organize the remaining home care agencies.

For more information contact:
Judy Snow, Communications Officer
Phone (709) 570-2502 or 1-800-563-4442
Mobile (709) 687-6204
Home (709) 726-3129