Quality Home Care operates from Bay Bulls to St. Shotts on the Southern Shore of the Avalon Peninsula. There are a total of 71 bargaining unit employees.
According to NAPE President Carol Furlong, “NAPE continues to actively organize home care agencies. To date we have organized 20 agencies with a total of 2806 employees. It is NAPE’s objective to continue to make positive gains at the bargaining table for home care workers”, said Furlong.
Furlong stated, “we are extremely pleased that the employees of Quality Home Care have selected NAPE as their bargaining agent. We will be giving the employer notice to immediately commence collective bargaining with the aim of reaching a collective agreement in the near future”.
NAPE represents the majority of home care workers in Newfoundland and Labrador and is aggressively continuing in its attempts to organize the remaining home care agencies.
For information contact:
Carol Furlong at 691-5701 or cfurlong@nape.nf.ca.
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