According to NAPE president Carol Furlong, the theme of the conference, “Women – one voice, no limits” set the tone for the two day conference.
The conference included presentations on bullying in the workplace and stress reduction and self care. The highlight of the conference included a presentation of NAPE’s “Athena Award” to Nancy Riche, a retired national labour leader and former NAPE member. The Athena award is presented by the NAPE Women’s Committee to an outstanding female union activist for her dedication to women’s rights and leadership. “Nancy Riche is a deserving recipient as a pioneer for women’s rights in the workplace and her commitment to women’s issues internationally,” said Furlong.
Participants to the conference also expressed their overwhelming support for the 14 female workers on the Burin peninsula, on strike for nearly 11 months.
For information contact
Carol Furlong at 691-5701
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