She will report on the facts and make recommendations for settlement of the dispute. Furlong stated, “this strike is gone on far too long and the impact on the employees and the clients they serve is severe. Additionally there is significant negative impact on the community as a result of cancellation of programs such as the school lunch program.”
Furlong added, “the Public Service Collective Bargaining Act, under Section 19 (1) states “upon the written request by the bargaining agent or the government negotiator, or where it appears to the minister that the parties are not able to agree upon the terms of a collective agreement, the minister may appont a conciliation board consisting of 3 members to inquire into the dispute, report on the facts and make recommendation for settlement of the dispute.”
Furlong stated, “the Act clearly anticipated a dispute such as the one with Burin/Marystown Community Training and Employment Board. In spite of several attempts by the Union to reach a settlement and after nearly 11 months on strike NAPE has yet to receive a proposal from the government negotiators. This dispute cries out for the assistance of a third party. In the past NAPE has requested the appointment of a mediator or an arbitration board. All requests have been rejected by government”. Furlong concluded, “Government has within its legislated mandate the authority and responsibility to end this unfortunate dispute. It is now time to utilize the provisions of Section 19 (1) of the Public Service Collective Bargaining Act and send the outstanding issues to an independent 3 person conciliation board.
For further information contact:
Carol Furlong 570-2471
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