“NAPE will be actively supporting any attempts to keep federal jobs and public services in this province,” said NAPE President Carol Furlong.

“We are in disbelief that the Harper government would so callously move communications services with Maritime Rescue to the mainland, knowing this province’s history with loss of life on our waters. We are also deeply concerned with announced cuts to other services and the loss of jobs for working men and women here in Newfoundland and Labrador,” Furlong stated. “Clearly, this is an attack once again on the people of this province. It is incumbent on Minister Penashue to send a message to the Harper government that the safety of our citizens won’t be compromised so that big business can get a tax break.”

Furlong continued: “It is evident that we are not dealing with honourable government members here. Federal support of the ferry service across the Strait of Belle Isle was one of this province’s terms of union with Canada. Already the Harper Conservatives have closed the Canadian Coast Guard maritime rescue sub-centre base in St. John’s, meaning all rescue coordination for this province will take place in Halifax. What a commentary that the government would make such a callous move on the heels of the Cougar Helicopter report. Sadly, this is just one of the many examples of why we need these rescue services in this province.”

Furlong went on to say: “If the Harper government were really intent on balancing the federal budget by 2014, they would not be giving tax cuts to corporations to the tune of billions of dollars a year.”

For further information, contact:
Judy Snow, NAPE Communications
Phone (709) 570-2502 or 1-800-563-4442
Mobile (709) 687-8551
Home (709) 726-3129
E-mail: jsnow@nape.nf.ca