Uniting over 30,000 Workers

Uniting over 30,000 Workers

Uniting over 30,000 Workers

Uniting over 30,000 Workers

Uniting over 30,000 Workers

Uniting over 30,000 Workers

Uniting over 30,000 Workers

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NAPE Election Memo – Stuck Envelopes

Due to moisture/rain, some envelopes in the NAPE Election for Secretary Treasurer Kits have been stuck together. The Election Committee is aware of this issue and is advising members to try to open the envelopes as best they can, complete the enclosed ballot and forms...

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2019 NAPE Scholarships Awarded

NAPE has awarded 22 scholarships totalling $12,500 to students pursuing post-secondary education. NAPE annually awards scholarships to children and dependents of NAPE members pursuing post-secondary education. “We are delighted to offer these scholarships each year to...

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