Glenda Wall

Glenda Wall Western Vice President 709-632-9391

NAPE certified as bargaining agent for another home care agency

According to NAPE President Carol Furlong, “NAPE has made some positive gains in negotiations with other home care agencies and we intend to continue this trend. We will be giving notice to commence bargaining and expect to engage in negotiations in the near...

NAPE certified as bargaining agent for another Home Care Agency

Quality Home Care operates from Bay Bulls to St. Shotts on the Southern Shore of the Avalon Peninsula. There are a total of 71 bargaining unit employees. According to NAPE President Carol Furlong, “NAPE continues to actively organize home care agencies. To date we...

NAPE Certified as Bargaining Agent for All Care Home Support Ltd.

NAPE has been certified by the Labour Relations Board as the bargaining agent for 68 employees of All Care Home Support Ltd, which provides home care services in Trinity Bay and is headquartered in New Harbour. “NAPE is the only union in the province that represents...